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In Conversation with Andrew Priestley

Updated: Oct 21, 2018

Andrew is an award winning business leadership coach working with Managing Directors of limited companies who are looking to take the next step in their growth. We talk about VAT (we're not too sure how we got there!) and then the importance of knowing the key elements of your business plan, what holds people back, how Andrew maintains his well being and about the books he's written and lots more! Andrew shares from his wealth of experience some of the areas that all business owners and startups need to think about.

Abbreviated Transcript Extract

Andrew works with Managing Directors of limited companies with a turnover of approximately £300k to £4m and employ between 12 and 30 staff. They are looking to grow their business.

Andrew works with the business leader assessing the client using his a profile tool he developed and look at all aspects of the business from accounting through to business development.

Once he’s finished the initial assessment they design a programme. A typical outcome of working with Andrew over a 12 month period is a 30-400% uplift in performance!

What holds people back? (03:13)

Andrew says...

  • Letting go of the technical and focusing on the strategical

  • Fear of the VAT threshold

Why do you profile? (14:02)

The profile tells me how is this person going to be operate as a manager or a leader within the business. I talk about the need for leaders to have a good balance between managing tasks and relationships. Being strong in just one area doesn't make for a smooth ride.

Andrew did some diagrams while we were speaking - a snapshot of them is below.(21:07)

So as an example, one of the things that I look at is attitude. Attitude is a big determinant of how well you succeed in a business.

In the remainder of the interview, we discuss more about how Andrew uses his profile, what the dragons are looking for in Dragon's Den and what the key topics are for any business. Andrew shares how his book - Starting! - takes you through starting up a business and has a workshop in it that assists you in developing your business plan.

We also talk about his book - written for his daughter and other millenials - The Money Chimp - is there to help with money management as millenials spend, on average, 130% of their income.

We wrap up with discussing the importance of wellbeing and maintaining our mental health and Andrew lets me know what he does and some of his future plans!


You can contact Andrew at


I work with teams and individuals to make sure that you deliver on your projects and tasks. You can email me or call me on 01344 289985.

Learn more about Bridge Road Consultants here.

Learn more about me at


If you know someone who would make a great guest or want to be on the show yourself, drop me an email.


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